Nice to meet you, I'm Renae.

Mindful content creator, audience advocate

Creatively, I’ve been writing since I was 7 years old. My parents would leave me alone for hours while I lost myself in flow—hammering out page after page of fictional stories about aliens, monsters, magic and love.

My first professional writing job was as the manager for a blog, where I took an investigative style to producing more than 67 articles on education and technology. The content I wrote skyrocketed the company’s average monthly page views to 10,000.

Always responsible for the copy, I took on many other hats in my digital marketing journey. Ultimately, I made the decision to specialize in copywriting and content strategy. My background working with more than 30 different brands rounds out every corner of the content I create from the audience strategy to the final execution.

It’s a gift to do something I have always loved for a living. And I appreciate the chance to use my talents for good, writing for individuals and companies that are pursuing amazing endeavors.